July 29, 2014

July 15, 2013

January 5, 2013

  • Dads out somewhere. No one knows where he is. He runs off like that though every time him and my mom fight. I’m so used to it by now that it doesn’t even bother me. I’d rather have him stay away than be at home making a ruckus about stupid things. My mom seems sad though.

October 21, 2012

  • I feel so sick but tonight he said he loved me, finally….

    I’m drunk. And so is he. I asked him if h meant it. He did.

August 13, 2012

July 20, 2012

  • I just watched The Dark Knight Rises with my boyfriend and some of his friends last night. I loved it. I read some of the batman comics before so I sort of have a basic knowledge of the story and the character plots. I really liked Joseph Gordon-Levitt as John Blake. He fit his role really well. Actually, many of the roles he had done recently have be outstanding. I can’t wait to see him in Looper when it comes out.

    Another movie I’d really like to see is Total Recall. I like action. I like Sci-Fi. I like Colin Farrell.

    I’ve been stressing a lot about not having a second job forever now. Procrastination at it’s ultimate finest. Not being able to pay my credit cards on time either.. I’m looking but I can’t find the motivation to apply or try to sell myself well during an interview. I sort of lost all care this past year because I realized that I’ve always worked so hard trying to get things done and I never really gave myself a break. But now I’m enjoying this carefree lifestyle too much and losing interest in work and money and just being down right lazy. I think it’s the pot. Not really. It’s just me. Definitely making up for all the times I was miserable during the last 2 years. But yeah, I should get my head back into school and working hard. You can only play hard if you work hard.


    Updates from the last post about the car accident: I ended up going to the chiropractor. It was my first time getting treatment from a chiro so I didn’t really know what I was in for. He did x-rays on me and cracked some bones in my back and neck which really freaked me out. At first I was paranoid that he’d kill me by cracking my neck but right after he did it felt so amazing. The kink in my neck felt looser and overall more comfortable. I’ve been going for about 2-3 weeks now and there’s been improvement.

    I also went camping for the first time with Sam and his friends. We left on early Sunday morning and left at noon on Wednesday. Despite the rain during the first couple of days it was a really fun trip. Became close with the girls. Cooking for everyone was fun. Drinking and smoking was of course really fun. I’d definitely want to go again. Maybe be more prepared next time.

June 20, 2012

  • Thankful I didn’t die.

    I – along with three other friends – just survived a car crash. We got t-boned. I’m just a little stiff and my back hurts a little but I’m fine. I was initially at a state of shock and my heart was beating really fast. Leona, got hurt the most I think. She had to be put on a stretcher. But she’s conscious and talking normally. Roanne was the driver and got a scratch on her leg. Olivia and I were in the back but we’re okay. I’m home now but the the rest of them are at the hospital waiting for Leona to get out but they say she’s okay. It’s Leona’s birthday tonight too.

    Sam came to the ER and stayed with me. I didn’t call my parents because I didn’t want to wake them up. They have to get up for work at 5am and I’m not hurt too bad so it’s okay. I’ll let them know in the morning.

    I’m going to rest now.

May 26, 2012

  • I lost my phone last night.

    Feeling like I’m living in the stone age.

    I can’t instagram or text anyone especially my boyfriend. We’re messaging each other on facebook but its a hassle because my macbook’s battery is dead so in order to use it i have to leave it plugged in. And if the cord accidently falls out my macbook will just shut off completely.

    I didn’t think I would get so attached to my phone like that. It let me do so much and was within my reach 24/7. I seriously feel like a part of me is missing now. lol

    Eff and it sucks because I have to use my vacation pay to buy a new one and I was meaning to save it for vegas.


    So many memories saved on that phone. Had to remote wipe it and tried locating it but it’s turned off. Gone forever. lol ef.

May 15, 2012

May 13, 2012

  • Oldie

    Sometimes I feel like the relationship I’m in is one-sided. I try so hard to make the other person happy. Do my everything. And get nothing in return. The answer to this dilemma? “Stop being a big suck and be more selfish.” - Co-worker (Brett)